About Digswell Village Hall

Digswell Village hall is a community village hall in Digswell a settlement near Welwyn, Hertfordshire. The village hall is available for all types of hirings - Entertainments, Keep Fit Classes, Local group meetings etc. Built in 1923 it is owned and run by local volunteers and is a registed charity (No. 302361). Bookings should be made by email. Information below. Other contacts are on the information page.

The Village Hall committee are the local trustees and are:
Chair: Shaun Reason, Treasurer: Jo Grant, Bookings Aministrator: Peter Holt. Other roles: Accounts & Invoices: David White,  Secretary: Claire Westlake , Committee members: Kate Stabler, Pam Rendall, Paul O'Shea, Diane O'Shea

Interested in joining the Trustees? Please contact us.

Bookings: admin@digswellvillagehall.org.uk

Email from a happy hall user:

"The hall was a fantastic venue, thank you so much. Hopefully we left it as we found it!
Best wishes, Lorna"



Contact Information


30 Harmer Green Lane,